A community of educators empowering students to take climate action

Join Transform Our World - all your environmental education needs in one place.

Join our community of 7,000 educators empowering students to take climate action.

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Transform Our World brings together teacher-tested and reviewed resources from across the environmental sector into one place.

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Stay updated on resources, events and opportunities for your students by subscribing to our weekly newsletter.

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Access to high profile events, including the annual youth summit

Transform our World also offers access to a range of young person events, most prominently, the annual Transform our World Youth Summit. The Summit is free and open to young people between 8-18.

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UK Schools Sustainability Network

UKSSN brings together regional networks of school staff and students from all over the UK who share in common a focus on youth social action and sustainability education. UKSSN is here to help regional networks share and collaborate on ideas, together we are building a culture of youth social action and sustainability within the education sector.

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Access a wide variety of quality, curated, resources from a range of organisations.


All the resources have been hand-picked to provide action-focussed, fun, activities to introduce you and your students to sustainability and climate learnng.


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Access to teacher CPD sessions.

Access and sign up to a range of pre-recorded and live teacher CPD sessions. These free to attend events are open to all Transform Our World users and feature discussions and conversations around environmental education, aiming to provide a collaborative space for educators to share experiences and ideas.

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Create and implement your own Schools Climate Action Planner.

The Schools Climate Action Planner is a free, easy-to-use digital tool to enable teachers, students and staff to identify actions they can take to reduce their school's environmental impact and carbon footprint.


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Create your own profile

Register for Transform Our World to rate resources, share updates on your school's progress and bookmark your own collection of learning tools.

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If you would like to know more about Transform Our World programmes or resources, please get in touch by completing the form below.

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