Explore our calendar of environmental and sustainability themed events, hosted by us, our partners and other organisations which are happening for teachers and young people this month and over the year.
We’ve collected them all one place to make it as easy as possible for you to find and join.
Transform Our World hosted events
Our Transform Our World hosted online training events are for teachers and young people.
Our free teacher CPD sessions are not recorded, in order to allow for open conversation, so educators will get a lot from joining the session live, as they are not available to watch on catch up.
Our youth events, such as our our annual Youth Summit - and other bespoke sessions run for students - are available to catch up at a time that suits your class.
You can check our Events Back Catalogue to explore previous events we have hosted to get a flavour of what to expect in the future here.
If you would like to know more about Transform Our World programmes or resources, please get in touch by completing the form below.
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