Take a look at Transform Our World’s current featured educator programmes listed below. If you have a teacher course which could help create a new movement of young people, please get in touch using the enquiry form at the bottom of the page.
All courses listed here are free to access unless they are marked with a pound (£) sign.
Enabling Youth Social Action
Apply now to join Global Action Plan’s expert facilitators on our free and exclusive ‘Enabling Youth Social Action’ 15-month interactive course starting February 2024.
This course is aimed at educators who currently work directly with young people in schools with >25% FSM and higher than average % EAL. To take part in this course you must actively work with young people aged 10-18.
All course participants will have access to a £250 bursary to facilitate youth social action projects in their school.
Celebrating Clean Air Day: your journey to improving air quality with your whole school
Clean Air Day is the UK's largest air pollution campaign, bringing together communities, schools, businesses and the health sector.
This is an edited recording of a CPD session where educators are introduced to a range of free schools' resources they can use to celebrate Clean Air Day and support their journeys to improve air quality with their school community.
For more information on how you can get involved with improving air quality in your school, click here
Schools Climate Action Planner Video: Supporting your journey to carbon zero
Transform Our World and its partners have developed this free, easy-to-use digital tool to enable teachers, students and staff to identify actions they can take to reduce their school's environmental impact.
This video excerpt from our teacher CPD event will show you how to use the tool and how other schools are already using it.
For more information on the Schools Climate Action Planner click here
UKSSN Climate Education & School Sustainability Training Video
This video includes thoughts, ideas and tips from over 30 individuals from across the UK - including teachers, students and representatives from various organisations - culminating in a call to action from Lord Jim Knight, former Minister of State for Schools.
It is aimed at secondary schools and sixth-form colleges but some sections will be relevant to primary schools and other educational settings.
Eden Project Changemakers
The Eden Project's innovative, online Sustainability Leadership programme, running March 2022 – July 2022, is designed to prepare teacher leaders for the vital role of bringing regenerative change for sustainability to their school community, themselves and the planet.
Taking Maths Outdoors: Early Years
Learning Through Landscapes online course will introduce teachers to a variety of ways to support and develop maths outdoors in early years.
This will include tips on behaviour management, useful kit and practical ideas to support ongoing experiences in any space.
Become a GameChanger Teacher
This is a free CPD course for London teachers to help bring the power of social action into the classroom.
The full course consists of four modules. Each will cover a topic relating to Youth-led social action and is self-contained.
Carbon Literacy Project
Carbon Literacy is relevant climate change learning that leads to positivity and action towards reducing carbon emissions. The Carbon Literacy Project works to provide you with access to this learning so that you can become certified as Carbon Literate. It involves a day’s worth of learning that can be achieved in a number of ways.
Education for a Sustainable Planet
WWF's free online course aims to help you further your understanding of sustainability and equip you with relevant information, tools and activities to make Education for Sustainable Development a cornerstone of your teaching practice and of the school community.
Introduction to Social Action for Primary Teachers
A short CPD certified online training course to equip you with the skills and knowledge to introduce social action to primary aged children.
Education for Sustainable Development
Put Education for Sustainable Development at the heart of your school and inspire a new generation of sustainability champions with this free course from TES Institute and WWF.