On Thursday evening we had the opportunity to attend a London Schools Eco Network (LSEN) meeting, hosted at the London Academy of Excellence Tottenham. The event involved around 15 students from schools across London and was a great opportunity for us to interact with our peers in LSEN. The event, led by our LSEN staff chair Jenny Chapman, was an introduction to the concept of carbon literacy, based on the highly readable and even comic book How Bad Are Bananas? which we really recommend you read.
Through interactive activities and games, we were able to learn more about the carbon emissions of different activities and products, including 1kg of bananas, a pet dog for a year, and a first-class flight to Hong Kong, which releases more CO2 equivalent than the average person in the UK does per year!
It was an incredibly engaging event; being able to compare the carbon emissions of such varied activities allowed us to re-evaluate our priorities when it comes to sustainability.
- By Nephele and Gabrielle, Year 10 students, London
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