Berkshire Schools Eco Network
The Berkshire Schools Eco Network (BSEN) was the second regional network to set up, meeting for the first time in the autumn term 2020. Students from member secondary schools, as well as those attending independently, meet monthly on Microsoft Teams for an hour on Tuesday evenings, taking it in turn to chair and take minutes. There are also self-organised meetings and online Teams channels for biodiversity, climate and outreach working groups. Representatives from the Council and local environmental organisations often attend to discuss local initiatives with students. Staff meet after student meetings and there is a staff WhatsApp group.
Calling Berkshire students and staff: get in touch if you’d like your school to join!
Note: students should ask a teacher to get in touch on their behalf or use a school email address copying in a teacher
Videos for Youth Climate Summit 2020
If you would like to know more about Transform Our World, the UK Schools Sustainability Networks or any of our programmes, please get in touch.
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All the best,
The Transform Our World team