A community of educators empowering students to take climate action




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Meet the YCS host schools: Shawhead School
Posted by : Transform our World

Shawhead Primary School is a very small rural school in Dumfries and Galloway Scotland. Our current roll is just 25 pupils. We are based in the village of Shawhead and have close ties with our local community. Shawhead School is a very nurturing and inclusive school, where every member of the team is valued and their achievements are shared and celebrated.


All the pupils in the school are part of variety of Pupil Voice groups and their work in these groups has led to the whole school achieving success in national awards; for example, we are the proud holders of a 5th Green Flag from Eco Schools Scotland, we have a Platinum Green Tree Schools award, we have a Silver Sports Scotland award and have Gold Accreditation for Scottish Country Dancing. These achievements are valued by all the members of the team and allow everyone to achieve, and celebrate, success.


Shawhead School is excited to be involved with the Youth Climate Summit as our young people feel strongly about looking after our world and want to do their bit to keep our planet safe. 



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