A community of educators empowering students to take climate action




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A pledge for the year - Cut a tonne in '21
Posted by : Transform Our World


Transform Our World partners GIKI are encouraging people across the UK to 'Cut a tonne in '21' in the race to net zero.



More and more governments, businesses, regions, universities and cities are pledging to get to net zero carbon emissions by 2050. But what if individuals want to get involved in addressing the climate crisis too, and make changes in their own lives that will help reach those net zero targets?


The good news is that we have huge potential together to drive real, positive impact. That’s because, on a global basis, individuals account for almost three quarters of greenhouse gas emissions.


Governments and businesses frequently set carbon reduction targets decades in advance. For example, the UK was the first country to set a 2050 net zero target. But people rarely think in terms of decades. Our planning horizons tend to be in months, or a year.

So that’s why GIKI is helping people across the UK Cut a Tonne in ’21. This is an important first step in our crucial global race to Net Zero.

Nigel Topping, UK High Level Climate Action Champion says:

“We believe that citizens and consumers can come together to choose a new future and we invite everybody to start now. You can use Giki Zero to Cut a Tonne in ’21, as your first step to reaching net zero, for a healthier, resilient zero carbon future for us all.”

And many believe, this will be a mass, community effort.


Professor Emeritus Tim O’Riordan of the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia says:


“The Cutting of a tonne is a communal task, shared with everyone and leading to a better world for everyone. If the whole of the United Kingdom can do this through joint but variable contributions, what a wonderful contribution that would be for the healthy future of this planet and its peoples.”


So here’s how to help people across the UK get involved:
1. Use Giki Zero to work out your personal carbon footprint (the footprints page gets you to one of the most detailed, but easy to use science based calculators in the world)
2. Sign up to Cut a Tonne in ’21, and your personal carbon tracker will pop up on your progress page
3. Select from 130 steps on the planner page, you can filter them on ease, impact, and area of your lifestyle to find the ones for each budget and need.
4. Watch your carbon savings on your personal tracker!


Students can even invite their family to get involved too, through their household page. The more of us, the better it is for everyone across the world.


Giki Zero will help everyone every step of the way to find the right choices for their lifestyle and budget.

Good Luck and do share your successes with GIKI, or on social media to encourage others to join you in Cutting a Tonne in ’21.





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