A community of educators empowering students to take climate action

Youth Climate Summit News

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The new Youth Climate Summit logo
Posted by : Transform our World


We received lots of great submissions for a logo for the Youth Climate Summit, and we're really pleased to announce that the logo that we'll be using was submitted by 11 year old Lucy from Newcastle.


We spoke with Lucy about school, sustainability and the upcoming summit.


What year are you in at school?


Actually I don't go to school, I've never been to school - I'm home educated so I don't really know school years. But my mum says I would be going into Year 7 in September. 


What's your favourite subject and why?


Because I'm not at school I learn about the things I'm really interested in. At the moment that's climate change, animals and the environment, feminism and art. 


What do you find most exciting about the environment?


I love the variety of animal species on the planet - they're so varied, special and unique. I find that really fascinating. 


Why do you think everyone needs to get involved in sustainability?


We're all in this together - to make things change we need everyone to be on board. Individuals can only do so much. 


What would you like to happen because of the youth climate summit?


I'd love it if lots of kids went away and pestered their parents to change. I'd also like to see as much commitment from the government to fighting climate change as there has been to fighting Covid. As Greta said "Our house is on fire." 

I'm very passionate about protecting the environment, but my passion isn't enough because I'm a kid. We need adults to act and act now, later isn't good enough. 

Youth Climate Summit 2020 logo

The winning logo! 



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Youth Climate Summit 

  • Were the sessions from the event recorded? Yes, all sessions were recorded and will be freely available on the Transform Our World website. The team are currently working on getting the individual sessions onto the website as soon as possible. In the meantime you can find all the livestreams and several of the individual sessions that have already been uploaded here
  • How long will the recorded sessions be available after the event? All sessions will be available on the Transform Our World website indefinitely. 
If this email doesn't answer your question please get in touch with us again and we will be happy to help. 
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  • Want to see what other schools have been up to? Have a read of some case studies here
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All the best,  
The Transform Our World team