A community of educators empowering students to take climate action

Food, Farming & Forests - Stories about food, farming & forests (secondary)

Stories about food, farming and forests

Theme Focus

Session for secondary schools


Four stories will take you on a journey along the food supply chain and give you questions to discuss along the way. Animal Aid set the scene by getting us thinking about the land we use to grow food, next up the founders of a pop-up restaurant called Sustainable Food Story share their passion telling diners about how their food is farmed and a volunteer with the Gleaners Network will reveal how they stop large quantities of food becoming compost. The story will be wrapped up by Mike Berners-Lee, author of How Bad Are Bananas? sharing some of the unexpected impacts of our diets and his tips for sustainable food choices.
Teachers will be provided with a one page guide to this session in advance which will include the discussion question that will be posed at the end of each story, some pointers for the discussions and links for further exploration.
Teacher Rating
Overall Rating
11-16 years old

This resource helps support the below Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
For more information on the full set of SDGs, please see our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Take urgent action to combat climate change by regulating emissions and promoting developments in renewable energy.

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystem, reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss.



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Youth Climate Summit 

  • Were the sessions from the event recorded? Yes, all sessions were recorded and will be freely available on the Transform Our World website. The team are currently working on getting the individual sessions onto the website as soon as possible. In the meantime you can find all the livestreams and several of the individual sessions that have already been uploaded here
  • How long will the recorded sessions be available after the event? All sessions will be available on the Transform Our World website indefinitely. 
If this email doesn't answer your question please get in touch with us again and we will be happy to help. 
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All the best,  
The Transform Our World team