A community of educators empowering students to take climate action

Youth Climate Summit 2020

Livestream 1 - Primary

Thank you for joining us for an amazing week! Press play on the video to watch sessions from the Youth Climate Summit.


Welcome to the Youth Climate Summit Live Stream


Press play to watch live, join the conversation in the Q&A box or submit your pledges for the day below.


To find out what other events are happening throughout today and the rest of the week, view the timetable for primary sessions or secondary sessions.

Today's Pledges for your School

Choose a pledge linked to today's theme


Want to make individual pledges? Giki Zero can help... start by contacting a company about something you want them to change

Or choose one of these

Rewild our school grounds - create a space, however large or small, for wildlife in our school - from a minibeast house to a wildflower meadow or a woodland grove
Regularly share positive environmental stories, especially featuring action from children
Write a letter to our MP about climate change
Start 3 conversations on climate change
Only buy what we need, and second hand where we can
Make our own reusable face masks
Reduce our phone time by 25%
Make 3 journeys a week greener
Your full name
Your email address
Your school / organisation
Share a Photo
Photo Caption
Important Note Please refer to our terms & conditions when uploading photos or videos to see how they might be used.
Please tick here to confirm you are happy for your pledge to appear on the TOW site
Please tick here if you are happy for us to email you about the your pledge at a later date



If you would like to know more about Transform Our World, or any of our programmes, please get in touch.


Please detail your enquiry here

Thank you for submitting your enquiry! We are currently receiving a large number of enquiries and are trying our best to get back to people as soon as possible.  In the meantime, you might find one of the following links helpful: 


Youth Climate Summit 

  • Were the sessions from the event recorded? Yes, all sessions were recorded and will be freely available on the Transform Our World website. The team are currently working on getting the individual sessions onto the website as soon as possible. In the meantime you can find all the livestreams and several of the individual sessions that have already been uploaded here
  • How long will the recorded sessions be available after the event? All sessions will be available on the Transform Our World website indefinitely. 
If this email doesn't answer your question please get in touch with us again and we will be happy to help. 
General Transform Our World 
  • Are you a teacher? Learn about how to use the website here
  • Looking for teaching resources? You can find our collection of highly-rated resources here
  • Looking for something more long-term? Check out our featured programmes here
  • Want to see what other schools have been up to? Have a read of some case studies here
  • Alternatively, take a look at our FAQs and About pages as they might help to answer your question(s). 

All the best,  
The Transform Our World team