A community of educators empowering students to take climate action

Youth Summit 2022 - FAQs

Have any questions about the Transform Our World Youth Summit 2022? See the FAQs below, or if we haven't answered your question, please get in touch by email on [email protected] or using the contact form at the bottom of the page.


The Transform Our World Youth Summit is an engaging, accessible fortnight of climate action and discovery for schools, with events hosted online throughout the week. 


The Youth Climate Summit is coordinated by environmental charity Global Action Plan and aims to empower students and teachers to become more ambitious with their school commitments in tackling the climate emergency.


We’d love to get every school in the UK talking about the climate and ecological emergency and what action they are taking at a time when World Leaders should have been doing the same.


In bringing together young people from across the UK who are committed to taking action, the Youth Summit will demonstrate how critical the climate emergency is to young people, and send a clear message about the expectations they have of the world leaders that represent them.

Taking place from Monday 7th November to Friday 18th November 2022, at the same time as COP27 whilst conversations are happening at a global level, the Summit will provide a focus on young people and the importance of their involvement in decision making.

Different sessions will be running each day throughout the summit, which you will be able to watch live online on the Transform Our World Youth Summit pages.

Students will be able to join in the conversation through a moderated slido chat that will accompany the sessions.

Teachers and young people - whether in schools groups or independently - are welcome to join the Youth Summit. You do not have to be in a school setting to make use of the events, they are accessible to all.  


The Youth Summit will support and connect young people across the UK to come together to take action on issues they care about.


Different sessions have been aimed at specific age groups, and all are labelled on the timetable as to which age ranges they are aimed at. 

The summit will be taking place online between Monday 7th November and Friday 18th November 2022. Content will be hosted by a variety of young people and organisations, and all will be streamed through this site live and available to watch afterwards.


Timings don't work for you? Don't worry, Recordings of the sessions will be available for you to view after the session has occurred. You will be able to access the sessions once logged into Transform our World.


No the Summit is free and accessible to everyone. Visit https://www.transform-our-world.org/summit to watch the sessions.

Yes, to ensure anyone can join the Summit sessions from across the country, all of the Youth Summit sessions will be livestreamed through our website and hosted online. If you can't join online at the time of the session, don't worry, as they will all be available to catch up on afterwards.

This year's Transform Our World Youth Summit will explore what power is, how it’s used in different ways, and how we all have power within us that we can use to create a better world. This will be covered through a combination of story telling, presentations, debates and other sessions.

You can follow us on twitter (@transformsdg), sign up to Transform Our World mailing list and check back on this website.

For any press enquiries, please contact [email protected]


If you would like to know more about Transform Our World programmes or resources, please get in touch by completing the form below.

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