A community of educators empowering students to take climate action

Schools Climate Action Planner: Supporting your journey to carbon zero

Thursday 5th May 2022, 4pm-5pm


In September 2021, Transform Our World launched it's Schools Climate Action Planner, a free, online, easy-to-use action planning tool to help teachers and students prioritise the actions their school can take to reduce its environmental impact.


This will be an interactive session where educators will be introduced to the tool, how it works and how it can support existing projects. We will hear from fellow teachers who have used the tool. They will discuss their experience and the progress they have made on their action plan so far.

During the session, we will also be joined by Let's Go Zero and a Local Authority representative to discuss why it is important for schools to work towards carbon zero.

There will be dedicated time towards the end of the session for attendees to come together to ask questions and share practices on what they are or would like to be doing in their school.

Sign up and join online on Thursday 5th May at 4pm.


Information on the tool and teachers experience that form the presentation part of this session will be recorded and available to watch later. Discussion groups will not be recorded to allow for open conversation.


Register Here


Access the Schools Climate Action Planner here


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